Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is an edible oil pressed from the fruit of the Persea Americana (Avocado).As a food oil, it is used as an ingredient in other dishes, and as a cooking oil. It is also used for lubrication and in cosmetics, where it is valued for its supposed regenerative and moisturizing properties.

It has an unusually high smoke point both unrefined and especially when refined. The smoke point of the unrefined form is 480 °F (249 °C) and the refined form can reach 520 °F (271 °C).[2] The exact smoke point depends heavily on the quality of refinement and the way the oil has been handled until reaching store shelves and subsequently kitchens.

Avocado oil functions well as a carrier oil for other flavors. It is high in monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. Avocado oil also enhances the absorption of carotenoids and other nutrients.

Because the avocado is a year-round crop, some olive oil processing facilities, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, process olive oil during the olive season, and avocado oil during the rest of the year.

Avocado oil was originally, and still is, extracted for cosmetic use because of its very high skin penetration and rapid absorption. Following drying of the avocado flesh to remove as much water as possible (≈65% water in avocado flesh), avocado oil for cosmetics is traditionally extracted with solvents at elevated temperatures. After extraction, the oil for application in skin care products is usually refined, bleached, and deodorized, resulting in an odorless yellow oil. Like extra virgin olive oil, cold-pressed avocado oil is unrefined and so retains the flavor and color characteristics of the fruit flesh.

Scientific Name:
Persea Americana

Other Names:
Avocado is also called avocado pear and ‘alligator’ pear (due to its rough green skin)

Avocados are native to South Central Mexico

Color and Smell:
These depend on the type of avocado oil: if it’s refined or unrefined. The color of unrefined & cold pressed avocado oil is dark green and has a nutty smell. Meanwhile, refined avocado oil is pale yellow and odorless. Both types can be used for skin/hair care

Avocado oil is brimming with vitamins, antioxidant and phytochemicals. The main compound of avocado oil is oleic acid, which makes up 50% of the oil. Other compounds in avocado oil include:

Composition of Avocado Oil:-

Avocado oil is brimming with vitamins, antioxidant and phytochemicals. The main compound of avocado oil is oleic acid, which makes up 50% of the oil. Other compounds in avocado oil include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Palmitic acid
  • Beta carotene
  • Linoleic acid
  • Lecithin
  • Docosadienoic acid



  • As a lotion for chapped skin: Massage a good amount of avocado oil into your skin after you bathe. You can use the avocado oil by itself, or add a few drops to one of your everyday body lotions.
  • As a facial oil moisturizer: Fill 2/3 of a 1-ounce bottle with avocado oil. Pick another nourishing oil and use it to fill up the last third of the bottle. Add three to four droplets of your favorite essential oil like lavender or rose. Twist on the cap and shake well.

Pour a little of your homemade oil on the palm of your hand, dab your fingers into the oil, and apply it to your face. You can also use the oil as a hand moisturizer. The oil can last up to a year if you keep the bottle out of the sunlight.

  • As a homemade facemask: Cut a ripe avocado into cubes and add a small amount of avocado oil. Use a fork or spoon to mash it into an even paste. Apply the paste to your face and let it set for 10 to 15 minutes. You can wash off the avocado mask with warm water or a face cleanser, depending on your skin type.
  • As a natural anti-aging skin cream: Mix 1/4 cup avocado oil with 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons beeswax, 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil, and 1 tablespoon Shea butter in a glass jar. Put the jar, without its lid, in a pot filled with about four inches of water. Bring to a simmer. Stir the ingredients as they melt in the jar. Once melted, pour the cream into a smaller jar and let it sit until the mixture hardens. Put the lid on the jar and store the cream in a cool place.

Grows Hair Faster &Fuller:

The same nutrients in avocado oil which make it ideal for moisturizing and feeding skin are also exceptionally nourishing for your hair. After cleansing your hair, apply avocado oil alone or mixed with your favorite hair- and scalp-friendly essential oils to improve both the appearance and structure of existing hair while at the same time promoting healthier and faster growth of new strands.

Wound Healing:

Avocado oil helps the body to grow healthier and stronger skin, it can also speed up the healing process. Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned the affected area, try treating damaged skin caused by cuts, scrapes, burns, raw skin from blisters or rashes, sunburn, bug bites and stings, and other wounds with a drop or two of avocado oil. Your skin will knit up faster and with less chance of scarring.

Heals Wounds

  • A study published in the Evidence-based Alternative and Competitive Medicine showed that avocado oil worked so fast at healing wounds, cuts and scrapes.

Removes Dark Circles

  • Some people swear by avocado oil for dark circles. Avocado oil also helps erase dark circles due to its high vitamin and fatty acid content. It also nourishes the delicate under-eye skin and keeps it soft and wrinkle-free.

Improves Skin Elasticity

  • Filled to the brim with lubricating fatty acids, avocado oil nourishes skin, boosts collagen and maintains its elasticity.

Soothes Sun Damaged Skin

  • Avocado oil is contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe and heal sun damaged skin. You can apply it straight on the affected area or mix ½ tsp of avocado oil in 2 tbsp. aloe Vera before applying.

Dry Scalp Treatment

  • Shampoo with it to hydrate and soothe your scalp: In a 8 oz. flip top bottle, add 2 tsp avocado oil, ½ cup liquid castile soap and ¼ cup rose water. You can now add essential oils of lavender and chamomile – 5 drops each. Shake gently to combine and use as your regular shampoo.

Prevents Premature Aging

Delay wrinkles and smooth out fine lines with avocado oil! It softens skin, maintains its elasticity and boosts collagen, all of which prevent premature aging. You can make an anti-aging serum with avocado oil, which has a perfect thick serum-like consistency.

To a 2 oz. amber dropper bottle, add 1 tbsp. avocado oil, 1 tsp pomegranate seed oil, 1 tsp argan oil and 1 tsp watermelon seed oil. You can also add anti-aging essential oils such as 5 drops sandalwood oil, 5 drops carrot seed oil and 3 drops frankincense oil. Close the cap and shake gently to combine everything. Apply at night time.

Makeup Remover

A number of celebrities use avocado oil as a makeup remover. Its heavy texture makes it possible to use just a few drops to wipe off eye makeup in seconds.

Fights Hair Loss

Hair loss issues can be addressed using avocado oil. It moisturizes the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles and promotes hair growth. You can do an amazing hot oil treatment with avocado oil that many people swear by:

  • In a double boiler, gently heat 1 tbsp. avocado oil and 1 tsp castor oil until warm to touch. Don’t over heat. Now pour this mixture all over your scalp using a spoon until saturated. Massage using your finger tips for 2 minutes then cover your hair with a shower cap and wrap a damp and warm towel over it. After 30 minutes, wash your hair as usual. Use a natural shampoo like this one, if possible.

Good for Nails

Avocado oil is excellent for dry brittle nails and peeling cuticles. Make your own lubricating nail oil for beautiful nails & cuticles.

All you need to do is add 1 tsp avocado oil and 1 tsp grapeseed oil into a 10 ml roller bottle. Now add 5 drops geranium oil and 5 drops lavender oil. Replace the roller ball and close the cap. Shake well to combine. Roll on your cuticles and nails every night before bed.

Massage Oil

The nice and thick consistency of avocado oil makes it a good massage oil.

  • You can combine ¼ cup of avocado oil with ¼ cup of grapeseed oil. Then add 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Mix well and store in an amber bottle. This mixture can also be used as a scalp massage oil.

Oil Cleansing

Oil cleansing is a popular method of using oils to cleanse your face. The logic is that the good oils used push out the ‘bad’ oils or stale sebum lodged within the skin pores. It can be used for skin of all types. Oil cleansing is a great method for dry skin types, which suffer from too much dryness after being cleansed with store-bought cleansers.

  • Mix ½ tsp of avocado oil with ½ tsp of hazelnut oil. Massage this onto your face then wring out a soft microfiber cloth in hot water and start dabbing it on your face. Then wipe your face of the excess oils and pat dry with a face towel. Voila! A happy clean and glowing moisturized face!

Available sizes are 15ml, 30ml, 50ml
