
Health and Wellness, Recipes

Healthy Meal Plans For Kids

“Finish your breakfast!” “Don’t leave the veggies on your plate!” This is an everyday scene at Meera’s home. Her 5 year old is a picky eater which leaves Meera worried if her kid is getting enough nutrition. Making tasty yet healthy meal plans for kids is a daunting task for Meera.

“Mom, I’m tired of eating the same fruits and vegetables every day. There’s no variety in my lunch box. I’m going to eat in the school cafeteria from tomorrow.” That was Vivaan, a teenager and an absolute foodie!

No matter how the eating habit is of the child, mothers are always anxious when it comes to their kids’ health. The first step towards raising healthy kids is offering healthy meals on their plate. However, in today’s fast-paced lives, we often end up eating out, most of which are processed and loaded with preservatives, added colors and sugar. One easy way out to avoid this situation is to plan your meals well-ahead of time. That way, you won’t run out of ideas and can easily make tasty yet healthy meals for your kids.

Looking For Healthy Meal Plans?

We’re glad that you have landed on this page. We understand the pain of all the parents and hence have come up with quick, easy meal ideas for kids. Most of these dishes can be made with ingredients easily available in your pantry. You don’t have to be a master chef to cook these meals and the entire family can enjoy it together.

Easy Breakfast Ideas

As they say, eat your breakfast like a king! A healthy, hearty and power packed breakfast gives you child kickstart to your super active kid. Kids love variations (usually) but in moderation. Also, the breakfast should include some forms of carbohydrates which will provide the required energy to their agile bodies.

Breakfast ideas for the family

  1. South Indian breakfast ideas: Idli and Dosa with Sambar and Chutney; Upma; Uttapam; Paddu. You can have a portion of fruits, fresh juice or milk along with it.
  2. North Indian breakfast ideas: Stuffed Paratha (a great way to feed veggies to the picky eaters); Puri and Sabzi.
  3. Quick breakfast ideas: On days when you’re in a hurry, a bowl of cereal and milk, oatmeal, smoothies, ragi porridge, cheese and cucumber sandwich could be your savior.

Healthy Lunch Ideas

When it comes to lunch, you need to ensure there is a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients. The thumb rule is the more ‘colour’ is in the plate, the healthy it is. Healthy meal plans are incomplete they don’t Include fresh vegetables, lentils, nuts, legumes. Non-vegetarians should include fish and lean meat.

Lunch ideas for toddlers

  • Mashed sweet potato and carrot with a dollop of butter
  • Traditional khichdi with lentil and vegetables cooked in desi ghee
  • Mashed beetroot rice
  • Lentils with green peas

Lunch box ideas for school goers

  • Chicken sandwich
  • Vegetable fried rice
  • Egg fried rice
  • Bisi Bele bath
  • Lemon rice

Healthy And Filling Snack Ideas

Snacks are important part of a kid’s meal which help to keep their hunger pangs at bay. If you have an active kid at home, these healthy snacks ideas will help you with lots of options. And are filling too!

  • Fruit chaat (you can use all the seasonal fruits)
  • Butter corn
  • Healthy muffins (great idea for the little ones who crave for anything sweet)
  • Bhelpuri
  • Cheese paratha
  • Milkshakes

Check out our recipe for Healthy Tomato and Basil Bruschetta.

Dinner Ideas

Dinner is that meal of the day when the entire family sit together and relish. While it might seem to be a daunting task to plan meals for a choosy spouse or a picky toddler, we have some great hacks to share with you. While planning dinner, involve the entire family in the activity starting from selecting the menu to assembling it. It’s not only a great way to involve all the members of the family, but everyone gets to eat what they like! If you still need some ideas, we have scouted some for you.

Easy-peasy dinner ideas

  • BBQ chicken pizza with a wheat base
  • Baked macaroni and cheese
  • Chicken spaghetti
  • Roti with assorted vegetables and dal served with salads
  • Rice and fish curry

At Mesmara we have a wide collection of cold pressed oils that are healthy and nutritional as they retain their natural goodness. When added to your dish, it adds extra flavour and aroma with health benefits. Check Mesmara’s Extra Virgin Olive OilVirgin Coconut OilCold Pressed Sesame OilCold Pressed Groundnut Oil. These are also available on Amazon and Flipkart.

smooth hair without straightening
Haircare, Herbal Powders

How To Get Smooth Hair Without Straightening

Everyone who has curly or wavy hair must have had dreams of hair straightening at some point in their life. Some might have slept over it and let the feeling go, while others would have indulged in extensive treatments at salons or at home.  Whoever has visited the salon and spent time and money getting that permanent straight style knows that nothing is permanent. The structure of our hair is a part of our gene code, hence the new hair which grows will follow the gene code, and not the external heat treatments. It is also important to realise that the treatments start spoiling your hair and makes it look dry and rough. So the question remains, how to get smooth hair without straightening?

Many people are not aware that there are so many natural alternatives to straighten hair. These natural recipes and procedures involve regular home use ingredients. With these DIY solutions, do not be surprised when you see your hair look even more smooth and silky as compared to the salon treatment. One thing is for sure, these solutions will not straighten your locks overnight, but will start working their magic in a few weeks of regular applications.

Tips to have smooth hair without straightening:

#1: Cold Wash

When washing hair, try to use cold water as much as possible. Use warm water only when you need to deep clean your hair. All other times use cold water. Cold water keeps the hair flat and reduces the chances of it to roll.

#2: Multani Mitti Pack

Many use Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) to deep cleanse the skin but little do people know it can work wonders when you are trying to tame hair. Make a paste of Mesmara Multani Mitti by mixing it with sufficient water. Apply the paste uniformly all the way from the root to the tip of the hair. Use your comb to brush it straight and allow it to dry. Leave this for an hour until it is dry while it forms a mould that straightens hair. It may seem a tad bit inconvenient, but nothing more than when you apply color or henna to hair. After it is fully dry and set, wash it off and see how smooth and straight your hair looks. You will be amazed at the difference from the first treatment itself and you can keep at it regularly to continue with the look.

#3: Coconut Oil and Cornstarch Pack

Coconut oil has been used in Indian households from ages as an external application for hair. It replenishes the serums required to nourish the hair and keeps it smooth and strong.

To make this DIY pack, add to Virgin Coconut Oil some cornstarch and mix it well to prepare a thick paste. Apply this paste in the same way as multani mitti and let it dry. The coconut oil nourishes the hair while the corn starch provides the stiffness required to hold the hair straight. Let the application dry out completely; this may take up to an hour. For people with too much curl in their hair, hold on to it for a bit longer. Wash off the application to see your hair look silky and straight.

#4: Milk

Who would have thought that this humble household ingredient can save you thousands of bucks you would have spent on salon treatments for straightening your hair. Rinsing your hair in milk and keeping it for 15-20 minutes before heading into the shower can reduce the waviness in the hair.

#5: Aloe Vera Pack

Create a thick paste with equal parts of Mesmara Aloe Vera Powder and Mesmara Virgin Coconut Oil.  Add to the mix a few drops of any Mesmara essential oil and whisk it well. Apply this mix on your hair evenly and let it dry. Let the dried application stay for another half hour before washing it off with cold water.

#6: Post Wash Drying

Many of you must be using the hairdryer with different heat settings to quickly dry the hair. Instead of using a drier, let it dry naturally. The weight of the hair itself will straighten the curls and you can additionally keep combing it all the way through to stop them from getting entangled.

Also read our 5 DIY Hair Packs For Dry And Frizzy Hair

Apart from burning a hole in your pocket, heat treatments to hair leave your hair damaged beyond repair. While the above, pocket friendly, natural treatments not only help you get smooth hair without straightening, but also nourish and moisturise your hair. These remedies will definitely change the way you might have approached hair straightening in the past. All they need is consistency in the process and a bit of patience. Anyone who has gone the natural route has never looked back. So, experience the same and spread the goodness.

Cold Pressed Oils, Health and Wellness, Holi, Recipes, Special Occassion

Recipe For Holi – Gujiya With Groundnut Oil – Mesmara Recipes

Holi is coming up and we cannot keep calm! This is one of the most celebrated festivals in India and from youth to old, everyone eagerly awaits throughout the year for this festival of color. However, no celebration is complete without traditional food and delectable. Holi is no exception. Gujiya is one such dish that we all have grown up eating since our childhood days during Holi. No Holi celebration is complete without making this tasty dish. So, if your grand mom or mom is not around and you’re craving for those childhood memories of Gujiyas made by them, then here is for you a quick recipe for Holi. Eat it yourself or share it with your friends and family, live your childhood memories this Holi. And if you’re a health fanatic then there is a twist in this age-old Gujiya recipe, check it out.

Recipe for Holi – The secret behind a perfect Gujiya

Making a perfect gujiya like your mom and grandma is not so difficult job if you know the right proportions and knead the perfect dough. Along with all the ingredients that we have listed down below, add a dash of love to it and your perfect recipe for Holi 2019 will be ready in no time.

What is Gujiya?

In case you are from South India, you might not be aware of Gujiya. It is nothing but a traditional Holi sweet that is popular in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. It’s more or less similar to a dumpling where the crisp outer layer is made out of maida and the inner fillings are made out of Khoya, coconut and loaded with dry fruits. If you are creative enough, you can bring in variations in the fillings by using a combination of mawa, dry fruits, baked gujiyas etc. However, our favorite is the timeless classic gujiyas. The recipe of it is given below —

Traditional Gujiya Recipe


Flour – 2 cups

Butter – 1 cup

Water to knead the dough

Sugar or jaggery – 2 cups

Khoya – 1 cup

Dry fruits finely chopped – ½ cup

Cardamom powder – 1 teaspoon

Mesmara cold–pressed groundnut oil

Ghee – 1 tablespoon


1.    Take the flour in a vessel, add the ghee and mix well.

2.    Pour water slowly and keep kneading.

3.    The crispness of the outer layer depends on how the dough is kneaded. So, remember to knead the dough nicely.

4.    Keep it aside.

5.    Saute the khoya over heat for a minute or two.

6.    Then add sugar or jaggery, cardamom powder, and all the chopped dry fruits.

7.    Cook for a minute and turn of the heat. Let it cool for a while.

8.    Take a small portion of the dough and roll it out.

9.    Put the fillings and then seal the edges of the covering. You can either make shapes at the edges with hand or use a fancy cookie cutter to make the designs.

10.    Make all the gujiyas this way and keep aside.

11.    In a deep bottom pan, heat the groundnut oil. Alternatively, you can use ghee as well.

12.    Deep fry all the gujiyas in it until the color changes to golden brown.

13.    Make sugar syrup by boiling sugar water. Once you get the desired consistency keep it aside.

14.    Take out the fried gujiyas and dip it in the sugar syrup once and take it out.

15.    Serve in a plate and garnish with some chopped dry fruits on top.

Do try it out and let us know how it turned out. From the team of Mesmara we wish all our readers a colorful Happy Holi.

Mesmara’s cold-pressed oils are made from pure ingredients without application of any heat or other chemicals. Mesmara also stocks Cold-pressed Sesame Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Try our other healthy recipes. Click here.

Image courtesy – Wikimedia Commons

Haircare, Holi, Skincare, Special Occassion

Holi Festival – Tips to Protect Your Hair and Skin

Drawing curtains on winter and welcoming the summers is the Holi festival. Everyone awaits unabated for this special day, especially the young ones. This is the festival when the town not just paints itself red but in all the colours that you can get hold off.  

With the growing demand for colours, the industry has conveniently moved to chemically prepared recipes leading to harmful colours. While they are bright and come cheap, these colours cause skin and hair related complications. However, with increasing awareness, lot of organic holi colours have come up in the market. You can use such colours to reduce your chemical footprint and also keep your skin and hair safe.

You can control what you purchase and use, you cannot say the same about your neighbours. But will all this deter you from enjoying the festival? Come on, what harm will a little colour do? Exactly our point too. Let us prepare well and take the right steps to protect our skin and hair before and after the holi celebrations. Not to sound cliched, a stitch in time saves nine and the same goes here to make it a safe and skin friendly Holi.

Pre Holi Festival Preparation

Skin care

Try to take a bath in cold water if the weather permits before stepping out. This closes the pores on your body thus stopping a lot of the colour to seep in. You should then generously massage virgin coconut oil all over your body, this creates a hydrophobic layer preventing colour absorption.

A good sunscreen is recommended to protect skin from UV radiation. Eucalyptus oil combined with olive oil makes a natural moisturizing sunscreen.

It is very important that you make sure your skin is heavily moisturised and there are no cracks.  Do start off this process a few days ahead of the big festival. Applying shea butter or cocoa butter regularly keeps your skin hydrated.  

As you protect skin, do also show some love to your nails. Massage the ends and especially around the cuticle with few drops of tea tree oil.

Hair Care

On the day of Holi, wash your hair and rinse your scalp in cold water. The pores sizes will reduce and limit the chances of chemicals and colours getting absorbed into the scalp and hair roots. Do apply some mesmara Argan hair serum and a conditioner to make the hair less frizzy. The silicon layer that forms, as a result, minimizes the colour sticking to them.

Folks with long hair should be careful not to leave their hair loose. More surface area means more potential for damage. So neatly tie it up in a bun or alternatively use a bandana/a scarf to cover up before stepping out.

During Holi Festival Celebrations

While playing, stay in shade as much as possible. Sunlight makes the colours set in faster and coupled with the tan, it is difficult to remove. Resist the use of stubborn colours to minimize post-event issues.

Post Holi Festival Celebrations Cleanup

Even before you think about taking a wash, you need to dust off all the dry colour from your hair and body. Use a dry gentle cloth and a hairbrush to remove them.

Use oil-soaked cotton balls to ease out the stubborn colours. Had you applied oil before you stepped out, you will be surprised how easier it gets to remove. Use of oil has the additional benefit, it soothes your skin and nourishes during the cleaning process.

We suggest that you choose organic cleansers to wash off the colours. They are gentle to your skin and are packed with goodness. They will alleviate the already damaged skin.

Once you are done with superficial cleansing, use face packs. Mesmara’s range is very effective and can help in deep pore cleansing. They exfoliate and cleanse and in addition restore the hydration the skin needs. At the end, indulge your body in deep moisturising sessions for a few successive days.

To protect hair, a good shampoo is the only answer. Try to minimize damage by using an organic or mild shampoo. If you’ve got a lot of colour on your hair and scalp, they may not come off all at once. In such difficult situations, you should wash and let your hair dry. Apply oil and massage it well. Leave it for a few hours before you head back into the shower for another hair wash. This repetitive process will be beneficial to your hair and scalp. The dryness will be lesser from repeated washes and the oil will help in dissolving and releasing the colours from the pores.

In contrast to the cold-water bath before you stepped out, post-Holi, the bath needs to be in hot water. This will open-up the pores and make the process easier.

Hope the festival of colours paint the canvas of your life with joy, love, happiness, prosperity, good health and success. Mesmara wishes all its readers a colourful and happy Holi.

Cold Pressed Oils, Health and Wellness

Top 5 Superfoods To Prevent Alzheimer’s

Nutrition is not just a diet, it is a way of life. Good nutrition can have a great impact on global health. Poor nutrition is the leading cause of many diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and certain types of cancers. Understanding ‘good nutrition’ is important in preventing many diseases and health conditions. One disease which takes a major toll on the patient as well as the caregiver is Alzheimer’s. It causes memory loss and disrupts cognitive abilities. In this article, we will discuss the 5 best superfoods to prevent Alzheimer’s, which are also easily available at any local supermarket.

Alzheimer’s Causes and Symptoms:

Alzheimer’s is serious enough to disrupt daily life. Though Alzheimer’s is generally seen in people who are 65 years or older, early-onset Alzheimer’s could occur in younger patients too. Individuals affected by Alzheimer’s lose the ability to respond properly to the environment. There is no current cure for the disease, but several medications are available to treat the symptoms. Several studies are being conducted worldwide to identify the causes of Alzheimer’s and symptom alleviation.

The most common causes of Alzheimer’s are aging, neuronal injury and loss, vascular compromise, amyloid deposition in the brain, inflammation, and compromised metabolism.

Superfoods to Prevent Alzheimer’s:

Scientists have identified certain foods as ‘brain boosters’. These are known as ‘superfoods’. Our brain requires a lot of essential nutrients to function properly. While some superfoods are available in the form of pills, it is always beneficial to take these in their natural form. These superfoods to prevent Alzheimer’s also protect against many other diseases too.

1. Healthy oils:

Two oils are particularly known to have preventative and protective effects against Alzheimer’s. They are easily the best superfoods to prevent Alzheimer’s.

  • Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO): EVOO has several health-promoting effects. Studies have shown that EVOO is capable of protecting from and decreasing the risk of Alzheimer’s. One of the causes of Alzheimer’s is the accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain. Long-term consumption of EVOO starting from an early age prevents beta-amyloid accumulation and provides a protective benefit against Alzheimer’s. Oleocanthal present in EVOO helps in the breakdown of the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s.
  • Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides, also known as MCTs. Regular consumption of MCTs produces higher ketone levels in the blood. There is evidence that higher levels of ketones in the body are directly correlated to higher memory performance. Virgin coconut oil was also shown to improve the cognitive abilities of Alzheimer’s patients.

2. Leafy greens and other vegetables:

  • Dark and leafy green vegetables such as spinach, turnip, and kale as well as tomatoes also fall under the same category.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids causes deficits in neurotransmitter metabolism, altered learning, and cognitive skills.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA is a brain booster . It is mainly found in fish oil.
  • Plant oils chiefly contain alpha-linolenic acid, which is an omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Flax seeds and nuts are also a rich source of omega-3.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, the omega-3 present in fish, flax seeds and nuts helps in slowing the cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients. Making foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids a part of daily diet from a young age would be an excellent idea to prevent Alzheimer’s.
  • All cold pressed oils are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. The original nutrients of the seeds are retained in the cold pressing process.

4. Berries:

  • Berries such as grapes, mulberries, and raspberries have powerful antioxidant properties. The natural plant polyphenols present in the berries act as antioxidants. Laboratory studies have shown that these antioxidants decrease the amyloid plaque formation commonly seen in Alzheimer’s patients. They inhibit the inflammation which could otherwise lead to cell death.
  • Resveratrol found in berries has been shown to improve health and survival. The resveratrol can also reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and obesity.
  • Antioxidants are also present in oranges and other dark-skinned fruits.

5. Coffee and spices:

  • Some studies have indicated that caffeine present in coffee may slow down Alzheimer’s disease by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase neurotransmitter.  A study shows that daily caffeine intake reverses memory impairment.
  • The unique compounds present in spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, and turmeric have been the subject of several studies. The neuroprotective effects of spices may actually help in the improvement of cognitive function. The many different compounds present in spices have several benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to antioxidant as well as anti-hypertensive.
  • Indian Ayurveda has used Turmeric for a long time. It is an ingredient of many curries in India. It contains curcumin, which possess antioxidant properties. Several studies conducted on mice have pointed out that treatment with turmeric extract reduced the brain levels of beta-amyloid. Irrespective of any scientific study, it is a well-known fact that the incidence of Alzheimer’s is less in India compared to the Western countries. The regular consumption of turmeric in Indian diet, it might well be the ‘behind the scenes hero.’

Friends, the list of good foods or superfoods is extensive. The key point is to cultivate a healthy eating habit and make it a ‘way of life.’ Follow a regular exercise regimen and play memory games. This will help maintain a healthy mind and body in the long run.

Mesmara offers a range of cold pressed oils which form part of the superfoods to prevent Alzheimer’s. Check Mesmara’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil. You can also check various herbal powders, essential oils, and more products at Mesmara’s website.

women's day gift ideas
Gifting, International Women's Day

Top 6 International Women’s Day Gift Ideas

On March 8th, the world comes together to celebrate International Women’s Day. This is the day when the world acknowledges women achievers from every sphere of life. We at Mesmara, firmly believe that every day is a celebration of womanhood and her achievements. We should take care to value her efforts, recognise her importance and treat her with love, dignity and respect. One of the best ways to acknowledge the efforts of the woman in your life, is to take the opportunity to shower her with gifts. So here we are with our top 6 Women’s Day gift ideas.

Top 6 Women’s Day Gift Ideas

#1 For the Beauty Inside Out: DIY Skin and Hair Care Gift Basket

Anyone would long for a complete herbal and natural skin and body care range. You can create your own beauty product gift basket for her Mesmara’s wide range of organic products. These could easily be one of the best Women’s Day gift ideas. Give a personal touch by selecting some of the best from Mesmara face packs, a couple of Mesmara herbal powders, and few Mesmara essential oils. You can add to this basket Coconut Shell Charcoal Powder, Bentonite Clay, and Kaolin Clay. Herbal powders could include Orange Peel Powder, Rose Petal Powder, and Lemon Peel Powder. Do not forget to add Mesmara essential oils such as Ylang Ylang Oil, Argan Oil, and Pumpkin Seed Carrier Oil to make the DIY skin and hair care mix more effective.

#2 For the Kitchen Queen: Customised Kitchen Basket

You would want your mother or partner to know how much you appreciate their presence, as you are aware that with them around you will never go hungry. A customised apron with an appropriate message embroidered and a gift basket of Mesmara Cooking oils would be an apt gift for the wonder-woman. The gift basket for the kitchen queen could include Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, and Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil. Make the basket interesting by adding a bottle of Mesmara Apple Cider Vinegar, a product that has multiple uses. She can use it as a simple morning tonic or tea, as salad dressing, as a super silky hair care product, or she can even use it as an all-purpose household cleaning agent.

#3 For the Fearless One: An all-purpose Swiss knife

A Swiss Knife comes handy in many ways. It is an all-in-one tool for today’s independent women. It is a solution for the impromptu beauty hacks like fixing broken nails, fashion workaround of trimming a loose hem, or untangling necklaces. The essential value could also be extended for cutting fruits on the go, as a bottle opener and most importantly as a safety tool in unforeseen situations.

#4 For the Tireless Worker: Perfumed Oil diffuser

Aromatherapy is an essential stress buster. Mesmara essential oils come handy as wonderful aromatherapy kits. They can be used in either in face packs or in oil diffusers. Mesmara essential oils are popular not only for their physical effects but also for their holistic effects on health. Oil diffuser gifting idea is a boon for those who like to use oils for their own health. Mesmara’s wide range of essential oils with Citronella Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, and Peppermint Oil is the right gifting idea for this International Women’s Day celebrations.

#5 For the Super Active Ones: Coffee/tea Mug

This is one of the best women’s day gift ideas for a woman who is managing a team of 50 at the office, or a pair of hyperactive kids at home, or both! A coffee mug would even be liked by one who is burning the midnight oil trying to meet a deadline. This superwoman has her hands full. The only thing she would want is a little ‘me time’ with her cup of a refreshing coffee or tea. That surge of caffeine is all that she craves for. Adding a few drops of essential oil into the morning tea is a great way to replenish the lost energy. Cinnamon Bark Oil, Lavender Oil, and Lemon Oil are great additions to tea.

#6 For the Aspirational Ones: Upskilling Program

One of the best ways to prove that you believe in her is to allow her to get better at what she does. You trust her to be successful in her ventures and you will stand strong with her to achieve her dreams. There are many training sessions that can let her up-skill. They could be vocational, online based, classroom based, it does not matter. The very thought of investing in her future is something that will really set you apart. Think of the right time and enroll her and gift her the pleasure of learning.

Well, these are our top 6 International Women’s Day gift ideas. Leave us a comment below to share your suggestions as to how you can make it special for her. Mesmara wishes all the women a very Happy Women’s Day.

Cold Pressed Oils, International Women's Day, Recipes

Greek-style Chicken Cutlets – Easy, Exotic Recipe To Cook For Your Wife

It may sound stereotypical, but in most of the houses its still the woman, who ensures the family is fed well every day, throughout the year so that others can focus on their work. If your house is also one such, don’t you feel lucky to have someone like her in your life? It’s that time of the year again when you want to make the lady in your life feel special. Women’s Day is the best time to make her feel special. Yes, international women’s day 2019 is just around the corner and you can’t miss this chance to woo your lady love with our delicious Greek-style chicken cutlets recipe.

For our non-veg lovers, we have a quick but delicious Greek-style chicken cutlets recipe for you to try out. It’s healthy, exotic and easy – to- cook. The dish is really quick and you’ll have almost all the ingredients readily available in your pantry. The best thing about this exotic recipe is it’s healthy and packed with the goodness of protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fat. To make it healthier, we have given a twist and used cold-pressed oil which means all the natural antioxidants are preserved in the oil with no residual harmful chemical present. It’s tasty and mouth watering and at the same time healthy too.

Let’s cook up this wonderful dish for her and don’t forget to tell us how it turned out!

Healthy Greek-style Chicken Cutlets Recipe


  • 1 chicken breast, pounded
  • 1 bell pepper(cubed)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 large tomato (diced)
  • 1 cucumber (cubed)
  • Parsley (chopped)
  • Feta cheese
  • Bread crumbs
  • 2 -3 cloves garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh oregano
  • Olives
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper as per taste


  • Take a skillet and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Add all the veggies, sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Give it a quick stir. Ensure the veggies do not lose their crunchiness. Set it aside.
  • Next, in a bowl, beat the egg with salt. Deep the chicken breast in the egg. Take it out and roll the chicken in the bread crumbs. In a pan, shallow fry it until the color changes to golden brown.
  • In an oven pan, arrange the fried chicken pieces, and layer with the veggies. Top it with the feta cheese. Bake it in a preheated oven until the chicken is tender.
  • Serve them hot with mayo or tangy tomato ketchup.

If your wife is a vegetarian, we have got you covered too. If you’re looking for a healthy and exotic vegetarian recipe, then check out our Tomato and Basil Bruschetta. Cooking can’t be easier than this! And let us tell you a secret, this is one of our most loved and popular recipes!  Alternatively, you could also try our south indian style Vangi Bath recipe.

If you’re running out of ideas or time on what to gift to your wife then check out our wide range of cold pressed cooking oils, natural face packs, herbal powder, and essential oil. Get creative and make a gift hamper with her favorite flavors and fragrances. Find out more here.  

Beauty, Health and Wellness

Top 5 Health Tips For Women Over 30 – Women’s Day 2019

Every woman aspires to look great and stay active even as she ages. But how many follow the daily routine needed to achieve that? There has been enough emphasis on applying sunscreen and CTM routine to maintain skin tone and texture. What else can be done to prevent sagging, dark circles, laugh lines, and loss of tone? The concept of ageing gracefully is something beyond external beauty. One needs to maintain proper health and an active brain. Mesmara aspires for your holistic wellness. This Women’s Day we give 5 health tips for women over 30. The tips can be incorporated into any lifestyle with ease, and they help women stay fit and beautiful both mentally and physically.

Health Tips for Women Over 30

1. Improve your lifestyle

Though heredity plays a role in the way our body ages, some of the other factors to ageing well and within our control. Make an effort to maintain a healthy weight. You will notice that once you start exercising regularly there is a drastic difference in your energy levels. You can also experience a difference in your stress levels. According to the National Institute of Nutrition, regular exercise also helps to preserve muscle and bone that will maintain your strength in later life. Women should avoid smoking and drink in moderation.

2. Involve in brain-training games

Brain aerobics as they are called, are a good way to prevent mental decline. According to WebMD, puzzles and games focused on memory, reasoning, and speed of processing information can help form new neural connections. People who indulge in such tasks show improvement in money management and everyday housework. They also have delayed the onset of degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s. Several studies have shown that consuming Virgin coconut oil keeps the brain active.

3. Ensure daily intake of micronutrients

Nutrition and immunity play a significant part in ageing. Micronutrients or antioxidant vitamins and minerals can fight the free radicals formed in our body. According to a study, accelerated ageing is related in part to a deficiency in the intake of micronutrients. Daily intake of minerals like zinc, selenium, and potassium, vitamins B12, E and C, carotenoids, and folate is the best way to prevent accelerated ageing. So incorporate fresh fruits, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, lentils, and calcium-containing foods in your diet. Use cold-pressed oils in cooking to retain the nutritional value of dishes.

4. Get your dose of daily sunshine

A strong immune system is necessary to keep age-related problems at bay. Sunlight contains vitamin D, which helps to maintain a good immune system and calcium absorption. It also protects against certain types of cancers. Especially for women, vitamin D is very essential for preventing age-related osteoporosis.

5. Indulge in yourself

Ladies, we suggest you go all out and pamper yourself! Take a bubble bath infused with essential oils at the end of a hectic day. This will help soothe your senses. Instead of using chemical-laden skin care and hair care cosmetics, use natural packs. Use Mesmara’s Face Packs, Scrubs and Herbal Powders to enhance your beauty inside out.

So ladies, keep a track of your lifestyle, be aware of what you eat, and indulge in yourself. Follow these health tips for women over 30 and you can see the results yourself.

Mesmara has a good range of virgin cooking oils and essential oils, herbal powders, and natural face packs – all of which are required for healthy living!! You can check these out here.

Cold Pressed Oils, Health and Wellness, Recipes

Vangi Bath With Groundnut Oil – Mesmara Recipes

Vangi Bath is a popular dish of Karnataka. The two main ingredients of this dish are brinjal (Vangi) or eggplant and rice (Bath). If you’re in this South Indian state then you must try this mouth-watering dish at least once. It is not only tasty but easy to cook too! Even if you have not cooked it ever in your life, you can make this quick and delicious dish in a few minutes.  To add extra flavor, try cooking Vangi Bath with cold pressed groundnut oil. To make your life a little bit easy, we have shared two quick Vangi bhaat recipes to help you get started.

Vangi Bath with homemade masalas

To make tasty Vangi Bath you can either use store-bought ready-to-use Vangi Bath powder or you can make it at home. Use the recipe below to make Vangi Bhath powder at home.

Vangi Bath Masala Ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoon coriander seeds
  • ½ tablespoon fenugreek seeds
  • 4 cloves
  • 4 red chilies
  • 1 tablespoon chana dal
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • ½ tablespoon urad dal
  • 1 tablespoon dry coconut
  • 1 small cinnamon

Preparation Instructions

Dry roast all the ingredients for Vangi Bath powder, let it cool and grind it to a dry powder. Store it in an airtight jar.

Alternatively, you can avoid this step and use any store – bought Vangi Bhath powder that is available in your local grocery store.

Vangi Bath Ingredients

  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 250 grams of brinjal
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 green cardamoms
  • ½ tablespoon black mustard seeds
  • 3 tablespoon cold pressed Mesmara groundnut oil
  • 1 medium onion finely chopped
  • Lemon juice and salt (as per taste)
  • 1 green chili slit

Instruction for making yummy Vangi Bath

Wash the brinjals and cut them into thin strips. Pour Mesmara cold pressed groundnut oil in a pan.Temper the oil with bay leaf, cardamoms, black mustard seeds, and green chili. To it, add the onions and saute it till it becomes translucent. Add the brinjals, stir fry and then cover and cook until the brinjals are tender.  Now add the powder masala and give a quick mix for a minute. Once the aroma starts coming, add the cooked rice. Turn off heat. Add lemon juice and serve hot with curd, pickle, and papad.

Vangi Bath from leftover rice

Having leftover rice and not sure what to do with it? Wait, don’t throw it away. Instead, try this quick Vangi Bhaat recipe. Not only you can utilize the leftover rice, but you can turn it into a delightful dish.

Healthy Ingredients

  • Leftover rice
  • Green brinjals cut into strips
  • Vangi Bhath masala powder ( can be found in any grocery store)
  • Mesmara cold pressed groundnut oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Roasted peanuts (optional)
  • Salt to taste

Cooking Instructions

Take the oil in a pan, warm it and add the brinjals. Cook it until it becomes tender. Then, add the cooked rice. To it mix the Vangi Bhath masala powder and salt to taste. Mix well and turn off the heat. Garnish with roasted peanuts and sprinkle lemon juice. Your tasty Vangi Bhaat is ready in 10 minutes!

At Mesmara we always believe and promote healthy cooking.  Hence we bring your way cold pressed groundnut oil that is healthy, loaded with antioxidants and all the goodness of important vitamins and nutrients. At Mesmara we use Vagai wood press to extract oil from seeds in the traditional way. Since no heat is used the oil remains in its best form with all the healthy nutrients intact. Not to mention the added flavor, taste and texture that it brings to your dish. Cook this flavorful dish for your friends and family and don’t forget to let us know how it turned out!

Wondering where to buy authentic cold pressed groundnut oil? Look into our online store for different types of cold pressed oils. Mesmara offers a range of cold pressed oils including Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil. Try these and enjoy their health benefits. To learn more about the health benefits of Cold Pressed Oils, click here.

Cold Pressed Oils, Health and Wellness

5 Benefits of Cold Pressed Oils For Immune System

Cold-pressed oils are the most talked about in recent times. The media is abuzz with so much information about cold pressed oils and their health benefits. Reading and hearing too much at a time can create confusion. Have you ever thought of substituting your regular refined oil with cold-pressed oil and became indecisive? Many people must be wondering whether there is any good in making the switch to cold-pressed oils from refined oils. In this article, we will summarise the two methods of oil processing and list out 5 benefits of cold-pressed oils for immune system.

Cold-pressing process:

The extraction of vegetable oils via this process is quite simple. The mortar and pestle arrangement or Ghani is used to pulverize the oilseeds or coconut pieces (in case of coconut oil). Solid impurities are filtered away from the oil. This process does not make use of any chemicals or excess heat.  

Oil-refining process:

This method of oil processing involves the use of high temperature and chemical solvents for oil extraction. The resultant oil is balanced in color, texture, and taste, but loses several of its beneficial properties.

Benefits of cold-pressed oils for the immune system:

Since the cold-pressing process does not use chemicals or heat, it is quite obvious that the resultant oil retains the essential healthy nutrients. The immune system cells have a variety of roles and functions. These are boosted by the virgin oils.

Retain antioxidants:

Human body produces several free radicals during various biochemical processes. These free radicals can cause damage to cells. They play a major role in cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants are substances which help protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Plant-based foods are the best source of antioxidants. Studies show that cold-pressed oils help retain the antioxidants in the oilseeds, thus preserving their nutritional quality. For example, the antioxidant Vitamin E is found in olive oil. However, it is preserved only in extra virgin olive oil

Anti-inflammatory effects:

Highly processed and overly greasy foods are not recommended for people suffering from inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. For example, lauric acid in coconut oil is responsible for its anti-inflammatory effects. This property is lost during the refining process. Olive, coconut, sesame, peanut, and sunflower oils are known for their anti-inflammatory effects with topical application. They help in wound healing and protect against premature skin aging. The cold-pressing process helps to retain anti-inflammatory properties.

Anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects:

Several oils like coconut, olive, and sesame oils have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. For example, lauric acid in virgin coconut oil inhibits the growth of bacteria. Since the cold-pressed oils retain these properties, they help the body fight against multiple bacterial and viral diseases in a natural way.

Enzyme stimulation:

Cold-pressed oils retain antioxidants which stimulate the liver and pancreatic enzymes which aid in digestion. They also stimulate bile flow which is important for fat digestion.

Improve brain cell maturing and function:

Keto diet and VRK diet work best with Virgin Oils. These diets shift body metabolism to ketone-based metabolism. Studies proclaim that Virgin oils improve brain function and treat diseases like epilepsy. They also aid in fast weight loss.

Children’s health:

Children’s immune system is in the developing stage until the maturity age is attained. Given the above-mentioned benefits of virgin oils, regular use of cold pressed oils for building a healthy immune system.

Mesmara cares about holistic living and offers a wide range of cold-pressed oils, which you can purchase here.