Brahmi Powder

Brahmi is a creeping herb, generally found in muddy wetlands, enriched with many bio-chemical compounds such as Brahmine, Herpes tine, flavonoids, saponins, sterols, alkaloids, Betulic acid, stimastorol, betasitosterol, bacoside, and bacopasaponins. Bacopa (Brahmi) an edible plant, has small oval leaves, which are succulent. Its fruits are oval and sharp at the apex.

Brahmi” has been used to describe two distinct Ayurvedic herbs—Centella asiatica and Bacopa monnieri

—and Brahmi is a fitting name for both of them. Brahmi is a Sanskrit word that refers to the feminine essence of universal consciousness as well as the creative potential that emerges from pure awareness. Both of the herbs that bear the name Brahmi are thought to promote subtle awareness and sattva (the pure essence of consciousness). This article will focus on highlighting the primary applications of each of these herbs, as well as some useful distinctions between them.

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Brahmi Powder for Hair Growth:

Brahmi, scientifically called Bacopa Monnieri and Bacopa Monniera, is a plant that has been used as a natural remedy for several problems in the ancient Indian medicine system Ayurveda. While Brahmi has been proven to be very effective for improving memory; a large section of people use Brahmi powder for hair growth. Other common uses also include remedy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, allergic conditions. It has also been used as tonics to fight stress. However, Brahmi can also offer a wonderful treatment for your hair. An interesting fact is that Brahmi can be used in several ways. You can also find ready-to-use Brahmi for hair growth.

How to Use?

You can find great results with Brahmi powder for hair growth as it not only helps you with your hair problems but also increases certain brain chemicals making your brain sharper. So instead of using chemicals you can rely on Brahmi for hair growth. Brahmi has amazing ability to thicken the strands while strengthening the roots of your hair. Both of which are result in better hair growth. You can prepare a natural paste using Brahmi powder for hair growth. Powdered form of it. The fresh paste would smell like mowed grass so you can also add some essential oil or olive oil. You can also mix Brahmi for hair with other herbs like amla, tulsi or neem. It is advisable to use such herbs and oil while preparing your hair remedy using Brahmi powder for hair growth since Brahmi alone may not be able to properly cling to the hair. Adding such oils and herbs makes the paste easier to use. Just apply the paste to your hair and let it stay for 45 to 50 minutes. You can then rinse it off wild lukewarm water.


  • Brahmi can help promote the overall health of your hair making it longer and thicker.
  • Brahmi powder for hair growth can reduce the number of split ends drastically within a few weeks of regular use. It coats the hair follicles reducing the damage to hair.
  • This also allows the hair to develop volume and length. It also nourishes the roots of the hair thus reducing the hair fall.
  • You cannot only use the fresh Brahmi powder for hair growth but you can also expect it to help you with the dandruff problem. It reduces dryness from the skin and prevents itchy scalp.

Brahmi for fair skin:

The presence of antioxidants in the Ayurvedic herb help to dispel toxins from the body, especially from the epithelium layer thus improves skin complexion and stimulates skin cell regeneration. It is also good for inner skin that lines the digestive tract, which support the functions of healthy microbes. Brahmi is used in treating of psoriasis, eczema, abscess and ulceration

Paste: A paste of Brahmi can be applied to the exterior of the body to promote healthy skin, and comfortable movement of the joints.

Side effects of Brahmi

  • One should avoid using it while taking birth control pills
  • During estrogen replacement therapy, it should be avoided.
  • Stop it if you are taking phenothiazine
  • Too much consume of it leads to stomach discomfort.
  • One shouldn’t consume it above the doses of 2 tsp

