Hibiscus Oil

Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and are commonly known simply as hibiscus, or less widely known as rose mallow. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees. Which was the name Pedanius Dioscorides gave to Althaea officinalis.Hibiscus oil bottle

Hibiscus Genus of plants, shrubs and small trees native to tropical and temperate regions and cultivated worldwide. Their large white, pink, yellow, blue or red bell-shaped flowers have darker or variegated centers. Family Malvaceae.

Healthy and jet-black glossy hair not only makes us look much younger than our years but also puts the accent on our persona. However, the stress of modern-day living takes a heavy toll on our body including our hair. Unhealthy eating habits, erratic lifestyle, environmental pollution, and the sun’s toxic UV rays cause our hair to grey prematurely, dehydrate the locks, and weaken the follicles eventually leading to hair loss.

The oil extracted from hibiscus rosa-simensis or hibiscus flowers and the leaves of the shrub is highly rich in alpha-Hydroxy acids, vitamins A, C, and amino acids. The vitamins and minerals in hibiscus oil hold multiple benefits for the hair. Hibiscus oil for hair benefits include prevention of hair loss, thwarting untimely greying and/or aging, strengthening the strands and the roots to name a few.Hibiscus Outer 3d

Hibiscus oil for hair is included as an integral ingredient in herbal shampoos and conditioners that you can use once in a while for maintaining the health of your tresses. However, you can prepare hair masks by blending the extract obtained from the leaves and flowers of the hibiscus plant with other herbal elements like amla, neem, coconut oil, and lemons. Using these hibiscus oil enable you to make the most of the beneficial properties.

Hibiscus oil is extracted from the hibiscus flower and is an essential oil. The numerous functions of hibiscus oil range from skin and hair care to aromatherapy. It contains healing properties for the skin, which helps it Reduce acne and blemishes. Hibiscus oil also soothes inflammation and acts as an excellent moisturizer. It is added to a number of shampoos as it revitalizes and moisturizes hair and gives it a healthy sheen. You can make hibiscus oil by cooking it with coconut oil, draining it and using it after it cools. Here are some of the numerous beauty benefits of hibiscus oil.

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1. Hibiscus oil promotes hair growth

  • Using hibiscus oil or infusing any oil with hibiscus is a great idea as it helps promote hair growth
  • Massage the oil onto your scalp and hair and use this at least thrice a week
  • Hair Growth the natural vitamins present in hibiscus oil helps stimulate hair growth. It can be used alone or added to hair care products like shampoo and conditioners to stimulate hair growth.

2. It makes your hair strong

  • Using hibiscus oil mixed with yoghurt creates a mask that makes your hair really strong 
  • You can leave the pack on for at least 20 minutes

3. Dandruff

Regularly massaging your scalp with hibiscus oil is an excellent way to combat dandruff. It reduces the production of dandruff by keeping your scalp moisturized and healthy.Hibiscus1

4. Hair Fall

Hair Fall Regularly massaging your hair with hibiscus oil will also help reduce and prevent hair fall. This is very effective if the hair fall is caused by dandruff. Hibiscus oil keeps the hair and scalp strong and healthy, protecting them from any sort of damage.

5. Dry Skin

Dry Skin Hibiscus oil has excellent moisturizing property. Hence, it is an excellent remedy for dry skin. It prevents the skin from being rough, scaly or flaking

6. Premature Greying & Hair Color

Regular use of hibiscus oil is an excellent way to combat premature greying. It darkens the natural color of your hair and prevents it from greying. Your hair will have a deep, rich color and texture.

7. Ageing

Hibiscus oil increases the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. If you incorporate hibiscus oil into your daily beauty routine, it will help combat the signs of ageing. It makes the skin smooth and supple. Your skin will look healthier and younger.

8. Bath Oil

You can run a bath and pour some hibiscus oil into it. It will give your skin a lovely, subtle fragrance that is long lasting and attractive. It also soothes any skin inflammation and makes the skin soft and supple.

9. Cracked Feet

Hibiscus oil can play an essential part in foot care. If you have any boils, cracks or calluses on your feet, you can massage some hibiscus oil into it to make it smooth and even. Hibiscus oil is an excellent remedy for dry feet, especially during winters.


  • For External Use Only Keep out of reach of children. Avoid Contact with eyes.
  • If pregnant or lactating consult your health care practitioner before using .
  • Avoid use with sensitive or damaged skin. Do not use undiluted on skin.
  • Discontinue use if skin irritation occurs. Do not apply on exposed skin if going outdoors. Do not drop oils directly in ear canal or eyes. Oils can dissolve plastics – Use in glass.
  • Use extreme caution when applying oils topically for allergic or autoimmune conditions. Do a 2-days patch test for even the gentlest essential oils before using them generally.

Available sizes are 15ml, 50ml
