Mango Butter

mango butter 50gm-1Raw Mango Butter is unrefined and unprocessed version of the cosmetic grade mango butter. It is the most untouched raw version of mango butter and therefore may not smell the same as the cosmetic grade and will also have a brownish tinge instead of the white color of the cosmetic variety. Being untouched and raw, this mango butter has much higher quality than the cosmetic counterpart. Super antioxidant Mango butter is not only deeply moisturizing like Shea and Cocoa but packed full of natural antioxidants which bring skin alive, use in creams, lotions and gels. Mango Butter Mango butter is extracted from the kernels of the Mango tree which typically grow in the tropics, where they grow into very large trees. Uses Mango butter shares a lot of the same uses as Shea and Cocoa butter, however the fatty acid profile varies slightly with an enhanced level of anti-oxidants and vitamins.

Mango Butter is extracted from the de-shelled fruit kernel of the mango tree. Once the mango butter is extracted, it is heated up and boiled to get the right consistency. The resulting butter resembles cocoa butter and has a slightly sweet scent. It is semi-solid at room temperature and melts on contact with the skin.

Mango butter is rich on oleic acid and stearic acid. These fatty acids acts as emollients that soften and soothe the skin and hair. It has a high oxidative ability, wound healing and regenerative activity. It is high in antioxidants and Vitamins A, C and E.



Mango butter soothes and softens the skin. It offers protective effects against UV radiation and helps with rashes, insect bites, eczema and skin irritations. Mango butter helps heal and protect the skin from damage caused by sunburn and frostbite.

Due to its high antioxidant content, mango butter is anti-aging. Triterpenes present in mango butter help heal and prevent aging of the skin, reduces the look of lines and wrinkles and helps keep your skin healthy. Mango butter is especially excellent for anyone with dry skin.

  • Helps restore the skins protective barrier.
  • Replaces lost moisture.
  • Easily absorbed.
  • Antiseptic, healing and soothing.
  • Repairs dry skin.

1. Treats Dry Skin: Mango butter is ultra-moisturizing. It hydrates skin, plumps it up and prevents dry itchy and tight skin. It’s perfect to be used as a hand cream, face cream or body moisturizer.

2. Clears Blemishes: You can actually help clear blemishes and dark spots using mango butter! You can mix in a little with your usual moisturizer. Or better yet, make your own blemish-busting cream! Here’s how:                                                                                                                                            In a 4 oz jar, add 2 tbsp mango butter. Then add ½ tsp of rosehip oil, ¼ tsp vitamin E oil and mix up the ingredients using a Popsicle stick. Add 3 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of helichrysum oil as well for extra blemish healing powers. You can use this as a spot treatment or night time cream.

3. Fights off Fine Lines & Wrinkles: Rich in nourishing fatty acids and antioxidants, mango butter is good for smoothing fine lines and preventing wrinkles. It also deeply moisturizes skin which keeps skin firm, smooth and beautiful.

Mango Butter


The emollient properties of mango butter make it an excellent hair and scalp conditioner. It protects the hair and scalp from sun damage and keeps hair looking healthy by reducing breakage and dryness.

Mango butter provides the hair with minerals and vitamins to help keep it strong and healthy. It will help lock in moisture and control frizz. The vitamins in mango butter can help with hair growth and the regenerative properties of this butter can help repair your hair.

  • Protects hair from sun damage.
  • Prevents moisture loss.
  • Makes hair soft.
  • Imparts shine.
  • Restores damaged cuticle.

Moisturizes Hair:

For thick and curly haired people, mango butter can be used as an excellent moisturizer. To make your own hair moisturizer, follow the instructions below:

  • Melt ¼ cup of mango butter down in a double boiler. Once melted, stir in 1 tsp of avocado oil, 2 tsp of aloe vera gel and 10 drops of any of your favorite essential oils: geranium and lavender are good ones! Now pour the oils into a blender jar and keep it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or at room temperature until it hardens up. When that happens, blend until you get a white creamy mixture. Store in a sterilized Mason jar and use on damp hair as a moisturizer.

Mango and Shea Butter for Dry Hair:

You need:

  • 150 gr of mango butter
  • 2 tablespoon of shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil

You can use any oils you desire. There is no wrong or right. Break both butters into small pieces and place them in a bowl. I use a fork to do that. Boil a pot of water and place your bowl with the mango and shea butter inside the pot to create a double boiler. Melt the butters but don’t let it boil. Use a hand mixer and whip the mango and shea butter until it is fluffy. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly with the hand mixer until it gets a creamy consistency. Put your whipped mango and shea butter mixture into a container and volià.

You won’t smell the mango as the butter has been extracted from the kernels of the mango.


  • Mango butter is safe to use on the skin and does not have any negative side effects. Direct eye contact should be avoided.BuyNow